Thursday 22 November 2012

Historic Hellens Manor school visits

Poets Julie Boden and Mandy Ross worked with pupils from Lord Scudamore, Kings Caple, Whitbourne, Lea and Pendock primary schools to write poems in the inspirational setting of Hellens Manor, Much Marcle. We began by warming up our senses before being taken round the house by the excellent Hellens Manor guides, gathering ideas for poems from the tales they told of battles, imprisoned ladies and tolling bells. All the while pondering on how it would have felt to live in this house and to wear clothes like those worn in the portraits. Imagining what stories the timber that built the house or the window of Hetty's room would tell if they could speak. Gathering small details, listening for creaks and noticing smells, our poets also encouraged us to think about the sounds our words were making as the lines of poetry began to emerge. Pupils loved being able to find quite corners of this atmospheric house in which to write and enjoyed sharing their poems around the music room fire. Here are two poems written by Lea Primary School pupils:

The Maid by Elena Bott
I show them what I've made, they don't say thank you well done and I don't even get paid.
I trundle round the castle.
I get no praise.
I know I will be doing this
until the end of my days.
Weary and tired, my
hands red raw, they
are rich and I am poor.
Day and night, I cook and clean.
You never know I'm here, I'm not seen.
I am but a whisper, a breath
on your skin.
I am the thing you fear most,
for I am the maid,
I am Hellens Manor's ghost.

The Laughing Girl by Ingrid MorganI am a lowly street urchin
unwanted, disowned, poor.
An artist took me in one night
Did a sketch once and more
I am no longer that lowly street urchin
I am The Laughing Girl
My luck has finally turned around
I am a painting on a wall.
I've watched hundreds
            As they've watched me.
I am hung amongst the royals,
Even though I am poor.
I've been here for centuries.
I see inside the souls of others.
I am the Laughing Girl
And I intend to live forever!

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