Thursday 29 March 2012

Poetry Competition

Poems are starting to drift into the office for our poetry competition.  This year we have upped the prize to include £1000 cash.  After all what most poets want it seems is time to write and £1000 should go a little way towards that. The Arts Council are one of the few funding bodies that fund time out to write.  Look at their Grants for the Arts page for up to date info about how to apply.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Heat wave in March

Things are hotting up in the Festival Office (literally ...) Poets booked include Esther Morgan and Simon Armitage and Owen Sheers has agreed to kick everything off with a launch event.  Volunteers are coming in to help with marketing and admin.  All of us in the office will be reading up on and blogging about poets, some well known others you may not have heard of so watch this space if you want to find out more.